Accessibility statement
Wavestone is committed to aligning its societal commitments and policy for people with disabilities with its digital strategy, and to making the digital accessibility of its website a major issue. We want our visitors – decision-makers, candidates, investors and employees – to enjoy the best possible digital experience.
To this end, Wavestone undertook a complete overhaul of its website, with one requirement in terms of accessibility: to certify the site with a compliance rate of over 80%, with no critical blocking points (compliance with a list of 30 RGAA criteria).
To achieve this, Wavestone took accessibility into account right from the start of the project:
- A clearly defined compliance objective that is communicated internally, so that everyone involved in the project understands what is at stake
- A choice of digital design considering accessibility as an imperative, based on a new accessible brand graphic charter
- Specific developments to make content accessible to all, checked by an external auditor as the project progresses
In the long term, Wavestone plans to guarantee a site that is accessible over time:
- Raising awareness and training contributors
- The pursuit of requirements and best practices in future developments, from the design of new services through to development,
- Setting up means to assess quality and correct accessibility faults as they occur
Wavestone undertakes to make its website accessible in accordance with article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.
This accessibility statement applies to the website.
Compliance status
The Wavestone site is partially compliant with RGAA 4.1 Double-A (AA) level due to the non-conformities and deviations listed below.
Test results
The compliance audit carried out by Ipedis (opens in a new tab) reveals that the compliance rate is 92,96%:
- 66 compliant criteria
- 5 non-compliant criteria
- 35 non-applicable criteria
Non-accessible content
The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasons.
Several elements of non-compliance are described in this document, some of which are recurrent on several pages:
- Some links combined with their context fail to describe their purpose or destination
- Some scripts cannot be rendered by assistive technology
- Some information disappears when CSS is disabled
- On some pages. the tab order does not follow relationships in the content
- Some downloadable documents are non-accessible and do not provide an accessible alternative
Derogations for disproportionate burden
No derogation identified.
Content not subject to the obligation of accessibility
No content is exempt from the accessibility obligation.
Establishment of this declaration of accessibility
This statement was made on 17/07/2024.
Technologies used for the website development:
- JavaScript
The tests of the web pages were performed with the following combinations of user agents and screen readers:
- NVDA with Google Chrome
The following tools were used in the evaluation:
- Web Developer Toolbar
- WCAG – Contrast checker
- Accessible Color Picker
- Taba11y
- Axe DevTools – Web Accessibility Testing
- Assistant RGAA
- PDF Accessibility Checker (PAC) 2021
Pages of the site having been the subject of the verification of conformity:
English version of the site:
- Homepage
- Sitemap
- Legal notices
- Accessibility Statement
- Get in touch
- Who we are
- What we do
- What we think
- Careers
- Investors
- Locations
- France
- Uta Niendorf
- Automotive Isights Day – Munich
- Leadership
- DORA : How the financial sector strengthens its capabilities in the face of crises?
French version of the site:
Feedback and contact
Wavestone undertakes to take the necessary steps to provide access, within a reasonable time, to the information and functionalities sought by a person with disabilities in compliance with the right to compensation.
If you are unable to access a content or service, you can contact our disability referral service to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another form.
If you encounter any difficulties, please contact Wavestone’s Disability Mission team (opens in a new tab) or use the contact form.
Complaints procedures
Use this procedure in the following cases.
You have notified the Disability Officer of an accessibility issue that is preventing you from accessing content or services, but have not received a satisfactory response.
- Write a message to the Rights Defenders
- Contact the Rights Defender delegate in your region
- Send a letter by post (free of charge, do not use a stamp) Défenseur des droits
Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07