Shareholders’ Wave Club

The advantages of the shareholders club

The Shareholders’ Wave Club, free and open to all Wavestone shareholders, aims to give more information and increase knowledge among shareholders about the firm, its everyday life, its activity and its strategy. The club allows you to:

  • Receive Wavestone’s financial information in real-tim press releases, letters to shareholders, annual report etc.
  • Meet with the leaders of the firm, on the occasion of information meetings (AGM, shareholders meeting reserved to members etc..) destined to inform you about the firm’s news, its results, its development prospects
  • Be invited to special event

Join our club

Do you want to join the Shareholders’ Wave Club and enjoy the exclusive member services? Please read the membership terms and fill out the form below.

Club membership is free and is valid as long as the shareholder fulfills the conditions of membership.
To become a member of the club, it is obligatory to have at least one registered or bearer share. Written proof of this must either be sent by post to the shareholder relations teams or scanned in and sent by email to

Subscription form

I hereby certify that I am a Wavestone shareholder, holding(Required)
CNIL (French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty): All information concerning club members will be used by Wavestone in accordance with the provisions laid down in the French Data Protection Act of January 6th, 1978. All members have a right to access and modify any information communicated to Wavestone. Shareholders wishing to exercise this right should send an e-mail to Wavestone’s Shareholders’ Services Relations:

Cancel your membership

  • By simple letter, addressed to “service Relations Actionnaires de Wavestone” – Tour Franklin – 100/101 terrasse Boieldieu – 92042 Paris La Défense cedex
  • Or, by e-mail to
