AI Action Summit, how is Wavestone contributing?

January 30, 2025 · News

On February 10 and 11, 2025, France will host the Summit for Action on Artificial Intelligence (AI), bringing together heads of state and government, leaders of international organizations, small and large companies, representatives of the academic world, researchers, non-governmental organizations, etc. at the Grand Palais in Paris. A large number of countries and sectors will be represented.

5 key AI topics for the Summit agenda

The AI revolution will transform jobs, education, culture, and economies around the world. Building on the important milestones set at the Bletchley Park (November 2023) and Seoul (May 2024) Summits, this Summit will focus on concrete actions to ensure that the development and deployment of AI benefits our societies, our economies, and the environment. The Summit will put its focus and preparatory work around five main areas:

  • AI in the public interest
  • The future of work
  • Innovation and culture
  • Trusting AI
  • Global governance of AI

Discussions will also focus on cross-cutting issues, such as gender equality and the environmental impact of AI.

Wavestone’s unique role in the Summit

The preparations for the Summit are based on Contact Groups, which bring together representatives of governments, business and civil society from different regions.

Wavestone was selected to produce an official deliverable for the Summit.

This unique 16-page report describes the state of AI in large organizations. We have partnered with French Tech Grand Paris, Vivatech and Hub France IA to bring together a group of 40 leaders from large companies in France, Germany, the US, the UK, Canada, Singapore and Hong Kong. We will present the key findings of this work at a high-profile event in Paris on February 6th. This initiative has also been officially affiliated with the AI Action Summit and is considered one of the Summit’s official side events.

On February 10th, we’ll be participating in the Summit evening, where 10 of our experts will have the opportunity to network with their peers. Leaders from around the world will gather around one goal: “Calling for a Global Alliance on AI and Democracy”, a key theme to agree on using AI as a powerful tool to strengthen democratic values and institutions.

We will also participate in a large-scale cyber crisis exercise that takes place on the afternoon of February 11th at Campus Cyber in Paris. It will be led by the French Cyber Security Agency (ANSSI) and will focus on AI, andl involve hundreds of participants from different countries. We are one of the few organizations selected to create this simulation.