Imbert's profile

Chief Executive Officer, France, Paris

Biography of Pascal Imbert

Pascal Imbert is a tech and business enthusiast, holding degrees from the École Polytechnique and Télécom ParisTech. Since 2022, he is the CEO of Wavestone, a company he co-founded in 1990, skillfully combining strategic vision and human proximity.

Born 1958, Pascal Imbert is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and Télécom ParisTech (the Paris Institute of Science and Technology). He started his career in 1980 in the R&D department of the digital services company, Télésystèmes (now part of the Atos group), before joining Cirel Systems, a manufacturer of telecoms products, in 1988.

In 1990, he co-founded Wavestone with Michel Dancoisne, with whom he oversaw the development of the company for a period of 12 years. In 2002, he became Chairman of the company’s Management Board and Michel Dancoisne, Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Since July 28, 2022, he has been Chairman and CEO of Wavestone. Pascal Imbert was Chairman of MiddleNext, an association of mid-cap listed companies in France, from 2010 to 2014.

Pascal Imbert is also a member of the Advisory Board of Theodo, a French consulting and digital development company.

Hobbies & Interests:

Mountain hiking & scuba diving