2001 turnover: 21.6 M d’Euros

  • May 15, 2002Regulated information
up 90% over the financial year including 27% organic growth

As of March 31, 2002, the SoluCom Group recorderd an annual turnover of 21.6 M€ for the period running from April 2001 to March 2002. This figure takes into account the acquisition of Idesys over 12 months and that of Arcome over 7months.

The figure, which slightly exceeds the 21 M€ estimate published on April 2, falls within the expected bracket delivered in December 2001 (21.5 to 23.5 M€).

The Group's turnover gains 90% as compared to last year (11.4 M€). For the SoluCom perimeter, the organic growth comes out to 27%.

During Q4, the Group's sales (6.1 M€), stable as compared to Q3 (6.2 M€), result from contrasting developments, with a slight progression for the SoluCom-Idesys perimeter, and a significant drop for Arcome (customer base primarily comprises mobile operators).

As compared to last year, the quarter-to-quarter growth comes out to 82% during Q4 for the Group at large and 19% for the SoluCom perimeter. One must not forget that the last quarter of the 2000-2001 financial year was exceptional.

Michel Dancoisne, Joint Chairman & founder of SoluCom, points out that "2001 was a year of soaring growth for the Group, which meanwhile was faced with an extremely tense, sometimes even declining, market for the telco world. Today, the financial and commercial configuration is good and we are ready to face a market that remains quite tensed up. The outstanding breakdown of our customer portfolio is a token of our strength. As far as Arcome is concerned, the measures taken and announced on April 2 to overcome the difficulties faced by the telco world, should start having their full effect in Q2 2002".

On June 11, SoluCom shall publish its annual results, in line with the estimates delivered on April 2, 2002.

About the SoluCom Group:

Solucom, which was formed through the merger of SoluCom, Idesys and Arcome, is active in infrastructure consulting and engineering in the telecoms and networks, security and e-technologies segments. The Group has positioned itself in very high value-added services, which is reflected by its very high annual revenues per consultant.

The Solucom Group's client roster includes some very prestigious names, all of which are very large accounts, including Air France, Amadeus, Arcelor, Auchan, Banque de France, BNP-Paribas, Caisse d'Epargne, Cegetel, Crédit Agricole, EDF, France Télécom, Groupement Cartes Bancaires, La Poste, the French Ministries of Finance and the Interior, LVMH, Renault, SNCF, Société Générale, Suez, TotalFinaElf and Vivendi.

SoluCom trades on the NextEconomy segment of Euronext Paris.
Euroclear Code 7486 – FTSE: 972, IT services – ISIN: FR0004036036.




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Laurence KIPFER
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