Annual financial report available

  • July 28, 2015Regulated information
 Press release Paris, 28 July 2015, 6.30 pm

Annual financial report available

Solucom informs its shareholders that its annual financial report, relating to fiscal year ending 31 March 2015 has been published.

Included in the document named “Assemblée Générale (comptes, rapports,textes des resolutions)” is available according to legal requirements and can be consulted on the Solucom website. An English version of this document will soon be available.

It notably contains:

  • the Supervisory board report on the organisation of internal control and risks

  • the different Auditors' reports

  • the table of Auditors' fees.

In accordance with the French "Grenelle 2" legislation, a summary of the social, environmental and societal aspects of the company's activities are also included.

This document can be consulted at the following address:

About Solucom

Solucom is a management and IT system consulting firm.

Solucom's clients rank among the top 200 major companies and local authority bodies. To serve its clients' needs, Solucom has access to a network and the collective skills of more than 1,500 employees.

The Group's mission is to place innovation at the heart of business, target and steer value-creating transformations and turn IT systems into real assets designed to serve corporate strategy.

Solucom is listed on Euronext Paris and integrated in the Tech40 index. In addition, the group is also eligible to benefit from the PEA-PME share-savings plan and was awarded the "Innovative Company" label by the French public investment bank, BPIFrance.

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