Q1 2011/12 turnover: EUR 26.3m, in line with the firm’s annual business plan

  • July 20, 2011Regulated information
Consolidated data 30/06
(€ million)
2011/12 2010/11 Variation
 Q1 Turnover 26.3 27.9 – 6%


In Q1 2011/12 (1 April 2011 – 31 March 2012), Solucom achieved consolidated turnover of € 26.3 million, down 6% on Q1 2010/11, in line with the firm's annual business plan. Turnover for the quarter was impacted by the 6% reduction in the firm's head count in 2010/11.


Workforce growth expected to resume in Q2 2011/12

As at 30 June 2011, Solucom's workforce totalled 905 against 945 in late June 2010, a decrease of 4%.

In order to resume significant growth of its workforce in 2011/12, in the past months Solucom has accelerated its activities in terms of human resources, whilst giving new impetus to its wage policy for the fiscal year that has only just begun.

With 92 recruits already known for the fiscal year 2011/12, Solucom has begun to sow the first fruits of those efforts. The firm should thus, as early as the 2nd quarter of 2011/12, resume growing its workforce.


An activity rate of 84%, consistent with the firm's normative level

The activity rate of consultants rose during the quarter to 84%, against 85% for the whole of 2010/11. This figure is consistent with the firm's normative level, which stands between 82% and 84%. As regards selling prices, Q1 2011/12 confirmed the positive trend recovered in the 2nd half of the previous fiscal year.


Confirmation of the annual goals for 2011/12

Q1 2011/12 is in line with the firm's annual business plan, which forecasts a first half hampered by the reduction in workforce, and gradual acceleration of organic growth in H2. Solucom confirms its target annual turnover, on a like-for-like basis, at between € 110 million and € 115 million. The firm also aims to achieve at least one external growth transaction during the year, and several opportunities are currently under study.

In terms of profitability, Solucom confirms that it targets a current operating margin before any acquisition, between 10% and 12%, while financing the strategic investments related to the "Solucom 2015" plan announced in late May.


Next announcement: Q1 2011/12 turnover, on 20 October 2011 (after close of trading).


About Solucom
Solucom is a management and IT consulting firm.
Solucom's customers are among the top 200 large companies and public bodies. For them, Solucom is capable of mobilizing and combining the skills of nearly 1,000 staff members.
Our mission statement? To place innovation at the heart of business lines, target and steer transformations that are sources of added value, and turn the information system into an actual asset designed to serve corporate strategies.
Solucom is listed on NYSE Euronext Paris and has been granted the innovative company award from OSEO Innovation.

All our news on: www.solucom.fr

 Pascal IMBERT
 Phone: +33 1 49 03 20 00
 Pascale BESSE
 Finance Director
 Phone: +33 1 49 03 20 00
Actus Finance
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