Wachstum durch Technologie
Ist Ihr Unternehmen für die nächste Technologiewelle gerüstet?
Technologische Transformationen: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft

Over the last 15 to 20 years, we’ve seen 3 major waves of change. The first was the age of outsourcing, which was all about cost arbitrage. And then we saw the age of the cloud. And the current wave of transformation that we are seeing is mostly around automation and collaboration.
Securing talent, not just technically, but across the board in organizations, has also become a challenge in some areas. And, organizations are focusing heavily on this. The real big challenge for me is to understand that disruption and change is a new normal. And what fosters change is reducing dependencies within IT.
I think that also organizations have, you know, learned that they need to focus on value versus just cost. And time to value has really become very key as well. Companies should use data and technology to develop and deliver user-friendly and, on the other hand, eco-friendly products and services.
Companies obviously are going to have to embrace AI and continue to experiment and understand how they can use AI in a number of different ways. Underlying all of that, we have to have good data. So the data transformation will be a key strategic part for customers’ portfolios to ensure that they are bringing the right value and new use cases to their business, to their customer.
And the other challenge stays and remains cybersecurity and resiliency. Not only should companies be good at detecting threats and cyber attacks, but they also need to react to them really rapidly. Sustainability is a massive issue, and it requires not only a different mindset, but also a very specific operating model to be implemented within the business.
Die Sicht eines Experten
Die bloße Übernahme neuer Technologien ist nicht ausreichend, um eine erfolgreiche Zukunft zu gestalten. Es geht nicht nur darum, neue Tools oder Trends zu adaptieren, sondern darum, Technologie strategisch einzusetzen, um tiefgreifende Veränderungen zu bewirken, die echten Mehrwert bieten.
Wahre Führungspersönlichkeiten zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie mutige Ideen in greifbare Ergebnisse für ihr Unternehmen umsetzen. Sie reagieren nicht nur auf Veränderungen, sondern treiben diese aktiv voran. Bei Wavestone stehen wir Ihnen zur Seite, um Ihre Zukunft zu gestalten und das Potenzial der Technologie zu nutzen, um Ihr Unternehmen nachhaltig zu stärken.

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