
NIS 2: Where are European countries in transposing the directive?

Published November 25, 2024

  • Cybersecurity
NIS2 directive -Europe - Cyber

All European Union (EU) countries must transpose the NIS 2 (Network and Information Security) directive into their national law.

Cyber criminals are getting increasingly efficient as they develop better tools, affecting a growing number of organizations that are all too often inadequately prepared. NIS 2 consolidates the NIS framework for improved security. This new European regulation drastically broadens the range of entities covered. It affects companies in a wide range of sectors and sizes, from SMEs to large corporations. This wider scope is undoubtedly a challenge for national authorities, who must transpose the text and define security requirements that will apply to a diverse range of organizations.

Despite the transposition deadline set by the European Commission for October 17, 2024EU countries have achieved uneven levels of progress. They also have on occasion adopted different approaches to transposition (e.g. public vs. closed consultation, alignment with pre-existing national laws, varying degrees of communication including the provision of online help tools for entities).

This article compares the level of transposition in each member State as of October 18, 2024.

Heterogeneous progress in transposition

Schema1 - NIS2

Countries at maturity level 4

NIS 2 Countries at maturity level 4

Countries at maturity level 3

NIS 2 - Countries at maturity level 3

Countries at maturity level 1 & 2

NIS 2 - Countries at maturity level 1 & 2

Focus on selected European countries

Maturity level = 3

The NIS 2 bill (NIS2UmsuCG) was approved by the German Federal Government on July 24th, 2024. However, it still has to be passed by the Federal Parliament before it comes into force, estimated for March 2025.

Key stages

  • April 2023: first version of the bill
  • July 2023: second version of the bill
  • December 2023: third version of the bill
  • May 2024: fourth version of the bill
  • July 2024: fifth version of the bill approved by the Federal Government (Bundesregierung)
  • September 2024: the Federal Council (Bundesrat) publishes its opinion on the draft law transposing NIS 2
  • October 2024: the bill is submitted to Parliament (Bundestag)
  • March 2025: estimated entry into force (to be confirmed)

National specificities
In Germany, the BSI Act, adopted in 1991, gives the BSI the mandate to guarantee IS security.
The IT Security Act, enacted in 2015 and updated in 2021 with the IT Security Act 2.0, extends the responsibilities of the BSI and imposes security measures on operators of critical infrastructures. At the same time, the KRITIS regulation designates a list of critical sectors within the German economy (energy, water, food, health, etc.) and reinforces the security measures to be applied by these entities.
Germany has clarified the categories of entities that will be affected by NIS2 in relation to KRITIS. NIS 2 will concern 2 categories of entities:

  • particularly important entities (made up of KRITIS entities and Essential Entities as designated by NIS 2 directive)
  • important entities (made up of Important Entities as designated by NIS 2 directive).

BSI provides recommendations for anticipating the arrival of the German NIS 2, including the nomination of persons in charge of coordinating cybersecurity within the entity, and an initial assessment of cybersecurity maturity.

Competent authority(ies)
BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik)


  • Ouala Barhoumi

    Manager – France, Paris

