
The client entity is responsible for preparing, managing and organizing rail traffic for rail companies. Its primary aim is to facilitate optimum use of the rail network to ensure that trains run smoothly, safely and on schedule, and to guarantee the safety of personnel on the ground.

Our client recently implemented a major traffic modernization program, in partnership with the ISD. This extensive upgrade inferred a number of requirements, such as ensuring control of a large number of sites, managing the changes that impact all traffic staff, and defining new operating processes and procedures for traffic operators. A central feature of the modernization project was the roll-out of a new traffic management software tool. The new system will provide operators with an end-to-end view of rail traffic, expanding their role from a purely operational one to include decision-making, based on the decision aiding functions included in the package.


Wavestone is tasked with overseeing the process, providing support for change management, upgrading the business processes and procedures, and rolling out the new software tool. Our approach is a cooperative one, where we work with our client to create momentum between the teams in order to meet a number of objectives:

  • Assist the Program Division with the control of cost/deadlines/quality;
  • Guarantee that the teams consistently recall the key factors driving the program’s trajectory in terms of decisions and choices;
  • Control the most critical program risks;
  • Provide support and communicate information on changes to staff roles and key competencies;
  • Reshape the organization and work processes; prepare the groundwork for implementing these changes;
  • Gradually and jointly organize the changes to work processes and the software tool, in terms of both functionality and geography.

Answers and key factors for success

  • Wavestone has worked with the SNCF teams in a co-construction approach so as to involve, on the one hand, Core Businesses, the IT and Industry Departments, and on the other, Railway Enterprises, Cross-border Infrastructure Managers and Railway Station Managers ;
  • Expected results are an increase in reliability, regularity and smooth traffic flow.