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Employee experience and health crisis, challenges and perspectives

This first introductory article aims to explain the employee experience in the era of the Covid and post-Covid period.

Don’t forget about Users when deploying Collaborative Tools

The key points to consider when deploying collaborative tools to your workforce to reduce the frustration and sense of alienation new technologies can bring, and ultimately, enable your people to work efficiently.

8 ways to re-define your device strategy to set up for the future world of working

How can organisations make use of the experience gained during these unprecedented times as an opportunity to help define their device strategy going forward.

Radar RH & Change

The Digital Workplace or the art of reinventing oneself to overcome the crisis

Wavestone et son Club Digital Workplace ont dressé un panorama des initiatives actuellement menées pour soutenir cette transformation forcée liée au confinement (Covid-19).

Redefining how we Work in a Changed World

We are only a few of weeks into the crisis, and what is already clear is that for many sectors of the economy the way that people work is going to change for ever, and in ways that we have not yet anticipated.


5 tips for telecommuting effectively

We have outlined best practices to follow according to the specificities of your teams and projects, to help you telecommuting effectively.

taking the lead for inclusion

Taking the lead for inclusion: accelerating impact

Inclusion is the nudge that tips the balance towards common goals. Discover the vision of the 2019 Women’s Forum Global Meeting in our publication.

Don’t make people an afterthought

The 7 Must Do’s to consider before rolling out a change in order to not become part of the 60-70% fail club.