The Women’s Forum Global Meeting 2021 was like no other

In the face of 36-year setback to gender equality due to Covid-19, an unprecedent hybrid edition took place online and at the Carroussel du Louvre from the 15th to the 19th of November in Paris.  

In “uniting power and purpose for equality” throughout the week, this edition gathered a thousand people in person and thousands more online, hailing from a total of 115 countries. +170 speakers generated new insights and developed innovative solutions to foster long-lasting change to a more just and inclusive world with 30 million repercussions on social networks.   

Diversity is the ideal breeding ground for innovation, development and positive impact. The Women’s Forum ambition is to remove barriers to equality, to build a more just and inclusive world. A world where women from all backgrounds are actors and decision-makers, on an equal footing with men, in the political, business and public spheres.

Florence Fouquet, Director of ENGIE France and Italy interviewed by Clémentine PERE, Senior Manager Wavestone EUT

This particularly rich edition, post covid, we attended quite intimate conversations, we talked about resilience and both strength, and ambitions, positive vision for the future, where everyone at his own level can take concrete actions on the following issues  

Climate justice as a core strategy to ensure the transition of our economy to a low-carbon and new sustainable models.

Equal access to STEM education, whatever background and gender, and how to ensure more diversity in Tech and AI careers via mentoring and funding programs.

Ensure that health is accessible to all, including minorities, and break the taboos troughout our lives.

Close the gender gap for an empowered businesswith men as allies.

The leadership equation with inclusion and collaboration with tolerance zero towards racism and violence.

Wavestone has been a partner of the Women’s Forum since 2017 and we are pleased to publish the summary of the debates and highlight the main findings of the Daring Circles.



We Mobilized a multi-office team: UK, Lux, Maroc, Multi-practices DET, EUT, CGS, MN.

Thanks to: Esther Bleys, Léandra De Barbara, Sarah Drews, Léa Canoen, Coralie Argento, Sarah Benfdil, Camille Bertrand, Marion Bignet, Megan Bolland, George Brooker, Allegra Crahay, Florine Guereven, Charline Javelle, Anaëlle Maître et Mathilde Ranini