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Smart data & energy

Smart Data in Energy

Home automation and connected objects generate a record amount of data for the energy sector companies.

Physical sales networks in the digital era

Despite a decline in bricks-and-mortar retail over the last 10 years, the commitment to physical sales networks remains intact…

faster transformation projects in the public sector

Successful, faster transformation projects in the public sector and the implementation of reforms

As the public sector faces the challenges of transformation, reforms are more complex than ever. The Wavestone SCOT method adopts an agile and collaborative approach.

The challenges of retail

Omnichannel, hypermobility and digital: the challenges of retail

Confronted by a proliferation of digital channels and platforms, how can retailers meet the demands of consumers and continue to drive sales?

The ten pitfalls of commercial negotiations

The ten pitfalls of commercial negotiations

As boardroom pressures continue to mount, companies need to take negotiation methods to the next level. Preparation. Body language. Perseverance. Learn how to turn easy mistakes into winning tactics with this ten-point insight into better negotiating.

the managers the key to the success in organizational transformation

Make your managers the key to the success in organizational transformation!

Transforming an organization goes beyond simply defining the target structure. The lack of engagement of managers in the definition phases…

Players in data Governance

Players in Data Governance

First, we pointed the need to govern enterprise data and identified the activities linked to their management. Now meet the main players involved in Data Governance.

Are buyers happy... or are they anxious...?

Are buyers happy… or are they anxious…?

Are buyers in companies happy and fulfilled? Or, on the contrary, do they struggle to see their efforts recognized and valued properly?