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The recent health crisis has highlighted the importance of “frontline” employees, but also the digitalization lag of these populations, who have often been de-prioritized in the major transformation projects of recent years.

Organising a Cyber Crisis Exercise in a Large Company

Organising a cyber crisis exercise is not an easy task. From the preparation to the D-Day, a lot of unforeseen events can occur and the preparation teams need to remain a step ahead of the players. This article breaks down the steps to a successful cyber crisis exercise in a large company.

Defining the cybersecurity strategy in a large organisation

Discover how to define a multi-year cybersecurity model and how the methods of designing the strategy have evolved over the last 15 years.

Reorganising the security function in large organisations

Understand the reasons behind the reorganisation of the cybersecurity functions in large companies and how it can boost employee wellbeing.