
As part of the financing strategy of its 2012-2020 strategic plan, Vinci Park intended to realize a”Vendor Due Diligence” dossier in order to test financial investors’ interest in increased stakes in the company. Vinci Park thus called upon Wavestone’s teams to formalize a detailed Information Memorandum in tandem with its advisorybank.


Wavestone helped the client overcome various challenges:

  • Carrying out an in-depth analysis of the potential and the realities of each market in which Vinci Park is or intends to be active;
  • Defining the development drivers for each of these markets and drawing up the appropriate business plan to complement the advisory bank’s work;
  • Promoting discussion within the company’s Management Committee in order to ensure alignment with company ambitions;
  • Formalizing an educational communications document on Vinci Park’s position and strategy for each market, aimed at shareholders and potential investors.

Responses & key success factors 

Supporting our clients in formalizing their strategic ambitions within the framework of a Vendor Due Diligence is one of Wavestone’s core strengths. Our added value resides in our ability to put professional expertise into action and forge a close and trusting relationship with the Management Committee.

In this specific case, Wavestone’s teams having worked upstream drafting the 2020 Strategic Plan, we already possessed an in-depth view of the issues, meaning we were able to identify what additional information was needed and formalize matters within the tight deadline.