What are the key points to draw from today’s welter of cyber issues?

Cybersecurity is in constant flux: experiencing ever-evolving threats and regulations, but also a profound renewal of the way information systems (ISs) function. Faced with this raft of changes, distinguishing the substantive trends, and setting an appropriate cybersecurity strategy, can be challenging. Therefore, you might need a radar to help you identify the current trends.

The CISO radar

With this in mind, experts from Wavestone’s cybersecurity teams meet regularly to discuss market trends, and identify core issues, new topics, and emerging technologies to be explored. This year, these reflections have resulted in an in-depth analysis of the major threads in the coming revolution, the stakes for cybersecurity functions, and an updated CISO radar.

This publication presents the CISO radar and offers an overview of the areas we have identified as being key for 2019, from the 120+ topics the radar covers.