UK Cybersecurity Startup Radar

Threats to enterprises continue to evolve every day and hackers continuously innovate in their attempts to break into corporate networks and steal valuable data. As such, relying on only traditional vendors/products is no longer enough to adapt to the ever changing threat landscape. Startups are a new hunting ground for disruptive approaches and innovative solutions. This is why Wavestone has created the Cyber Security startup radar. We have identified over 60 companies which were founded after 2010, have less than 50 employees and have a strong presence in the UK market. This means they are close to you and will provide solutions which you may not have heard of before. When relevant, we would like to introduce these startups to you in our engagements, bringing new ideas, and hopefully contributing to address your challenges with an innovative approach. We will update this radar on a quarterly basis and provide more in-depth analysis of the startups and solutions it contains in the next newsletter.

Wavestone is an independent consultancy; partnerships with startups are limited to expertise sharing only.