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Combining Design Thinking and Agile to deliver valuable products

Combining Agile & Design Thinking enables you to keep your projects within budget, hit all milestones and delivered to meet user needs.

5 practical ways to align cybersecurity with Agile

Cybersecurity is now more important than ever. Here are a few insights on how to align cybersecurity frameworks with Agile initiatives.

Image of a stack of UI/UX books to read

6 Important UI/UX principles

How do you become a good UI/UX designer? In this article, Senior Consultant, Ellen Soedirman explains the six UI/UX psychological principles that’ll get you from good to great.

Image of colleagues in a discussion

Design Sprint: From concept to execution in 5 days

To keep up or stay ahead not only requires speed but knowing when to conserve and expand energy. The best way is by holding a 5-day Design Sprint.

Luxury Goods Sector, Metaverse and Web 3.0: will 2023 see a revolution in customer loyalty and experience?

In recent weeks, metavers and Web 3.0 seem to have drawn less positive press, which could lead the luxury sector to remain cautious in 2023.

Frontline Workers: Employees brought back to the forefront by the Health Crisis

The recent health crisis has highlighted the importance of “frontline” employees, but also the digitalization lag of these populations, who have often been de-prioritized in the major transformation projects of recent years.

The benefits of AI in making effective promotion plans

In a context where reactivity, service quality and costs are paramount, companies are increasingly turning to digital supply chain to find solutions that meet their requirements.