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Identity Control Tower Model: Creating a Seamless and Secure User Experience

With remote working and digital interactions becoming so important, it is essential for businesses to offer a seamless yet secure user experience. Discover how this can be achieved by employing an Identity Control Tower model.

The key to innovation in times of crisis? Anthropology!

What does the term anthropology encompass, and how can we learn from these atypical methods and apply them to business, especially in times of crisis?

Don’t forget about Users when deploying Collaborative Tools

The key points to consider when deploying collaborative tools to your workforce to reduce the frustration and sense of alienation new technologies can bring, and ultimately, enable your people to work efficiently.

Paris JO 2024

Paris 2024 : toward the construction of an end-to-end passenger experience in Paris

The #Paris2024 event is the best opportunity to build a complete Parisian travel experience with all the actors.

Voice of customer

Voice of customer, an ongoing digital revolution

Voice of Customer is undergoing its digital transformation. Customers no longer wait for surveys to express themselves.

The rise of intelligent voice assistants

The rise of intelligent voice assistants

New gadget for your living room or window of opportunity to reshuffle the cards in the web economy?

New ways of working

New Ways of Working: a collective transformation to unite performance, innovation and commitment

Management practices and working environment: companies must now reinvent themselves. After Corporate Hacking, this is a second part inspired from our study New Ways of Working.

Connected stores

Connected Stores: how can points of sale respond successfully to the growing push of technology?

Retail stores are equipping themselves with the latest technologies to address the rise of omnichannel approaches and develop a synergy between physical stores and e-commerce.