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RH Formation Digitale

Professional Training makes its digital revolution

By imposing remote work as the generalized new order on private and public organizations, the 2020 health crisis has made digital training an essential channel. How can we overcome the distance and maximize the engagement of the learner whose motivation factor is implicitly challenged? What lessons can be drawn from 2020 to rethink training strategies?

Efficience opérationnelle

What technological choices should be made to improve HR operational efficiency?

In this period of crisis, every company is seeking to achieve more results with limited resources. Different technological approaches make it possible to respond to this demand for continuous performance improvement. But how to make these choices and for what purpose?

The 10 keys for an optimal digital employee experience in 2021

In this period of Covid-19 crisis, the digital experience of employees is more than ever a key issue. The HRIS solutions market has understood this. How to go about it and what are the drifts to be avoided? An overview of the HRIS solutions at the service of this employee experience.

How to bring employees on a shared journey to reinvent your organisation

Learn why and how People are the key to successfully transforming your organisation and reinventing yourself.

How to adapt today for the (ab)normal tomorrow?

In light of the abnormal future, creating flexibility and adapting organisational systems to support the unknown is the most effective action to take.

Travail à distance

Remote working and effectiveness: moving from onsite control to performance management

If on site work was a guarantee for managers, and could give them the impression of managing personal and collective activities, the rise of remote working shows the importance of developing and anchoring a management performance culture and practices

Extended remote working, an experiment to better manage

Even if remote working existed before the sanitary crisis, remote management was a novelty during the first lockdown. Managers were thus forced to suddenly integrate new parameters into their practices in order to continue to manage their teams, sometimes without any support.